Sunday, November 1, 2009

Apply to an M.F.A. Program

In Oct., I decided to accomplish one of my longest standing goals: to apply to an M.F.A. program. Ever since I was a little girl, I've wanted to be a writer. When I went to college, I went with the intention of taking lots of creative writing classes, but somehow I ended up being an English Education major...not exactly the same as creative writing. I do not regret getting the education part of my degree. I was able to secure a good paying job right out of college, and in this economy that is no small feat; however, I would be lying if I didn't say that I regret not taking more creative writing classes.

I read The Alchemist last week, and even though I'm not a fundamentalist when it comes to religion, I took a lot out of the text. For example, I realized what I had always known: writing is my Personal Legend. When I do it (which, let me be honest, isn't all that frequent), I'm successful. The stars align and I write good poetry. More importantly, I'm happy when I create poetry with my mind.

So I applied to the low-res program at Queen's University in Charlotte. I put my application together in about an hour. I sealed, stamped, and kissed the envelope before putting it (and all my hopes) in the grey mailbox outside my house. About a week later I received a flat reply envelope saying they would be making up their minds in the next 8 weeks. I was slightly worried that I was going to be rejected, but a short four days later I received a call while I was on bus duty at the middle school. The panel loved my poetry, and I was accepted!

I've deferred my acceptable until next January because I can't use my sick days to get my master's degree while I'm at work. I'm planning on finishing out the year teaching, and then I'm going to find something part time to do while I get my master's degree. I'm so thrilled because my goal was only to apply to the m.f.a. program. Getting accepted was a fantastical addition to the goal, and I feel like I'm fulfilling my personal legend.

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