Saturday, May 9, 2009

AFI 10 top 10 Update

Mr. J came to visit this weekend, so I broke my every day writing goal, but I feel like if I post three entries today that I will make up for skipping my writing time.

Friday night we watched 2001: A Space Odyssey. WTH!?!?

Mr. J lurves sci-fi (obviously. I call him Mr. Wookie), but I have to be honest and say that we both dozed off for a good twenty minutes. Finally we decided we had to turn the lights on if we were going to watch the movie because it was clear if we sat there with the lights off we were going to sleep the night through.

I'm normally good at understanding strange movies, but I have to tell the truth. I didn't get this movie at all. I kept waiting for the gorillas to come back, and they never did. There were a few times when the "plot" picked up, but then the story would change entirely, and the film would get boring again. Irritated, I googled the movie and read a few reviews. The reviews helped me understand the film better, but I stand firm in my initial reaction to the film: it sucked!

Anyway, I only have three more movies to watch off the list. I'm really disappointed with the movies I've watched. With the exception of Snow White and the Wizard of Oz, I feel like they are all men movies. A man must have made these lists. The sports list confirms my belief because somehow A League of Their Own didn't make the list.

I understand the movie has Madonna in it and all, but it is still a good freakin' movie. Much better than Bull Durham in my opinion. I'm praying that the last three movies will leave me feeling better about watching 25 hours of yucky films. (Ok, some of the 25 hours was well spent. I did like The Godfather.)

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